By car

We recommend that you park your car on Kanaalweg Westzijde / Mauritsbolwerk. There are 400 parking places. This map shows you all parking options in Veere.

By bicycle

There are many bicycle routes in Zeeland, which has a great network of bicycle intersections.  This makes it easy to find your way around, on busy and quiet bicycle paths. The map with all the bicycle intersections is for sale at or a the local branches of the Dutch tourist information VVV.

The Grote Kerk Veere is situated close to bicycle intersection number 34.

By bus

If you are taking the bus to visit Veere, you can take Connexion bus route 583 or Connexion bus route 584. Bus route 583 takes you from Westkapelle to Veere. Bus route 584 takes you from Middelburg to Veere. On the website of Connexion you will find all the bus stops and the departures and arrival times. If you want to plan your trip by public transport from further afield, please visit